
Anh Tho

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Spring at flower villages

Spring at flower villages
2020-01-20 22:16:00

PTO - Few days left before Lunar New Year 2020, flower villages in the province are bustle all day long. Colorful flowers are flooding the two sides of the road,...

Flower market for Tet holiday

Flower market for Tet holiday
2020-01-15 23:38:00

PTO - Just few days left before Lunar New Year 2020. At this time on some streets of Viet Tri city, many kinds of colorful flower have been transported from flower gardens...

Viet Tri ready for Tet market’s demand

Viet Tri ready for Tet market’s demand
2020-01-11 23:09:00

PTO - Only a few days until the Lunar New Year of 2020. At this time, the Tet market with varieties of goods is ready. These following photos were taken at markets and...

Tu Xa safe vegetables

Tu Xa safe vegetables
2020-01-08 09:05:00

PTO - Tu Xa Safe Vegetable Cooperative in Tu Xa commune, Lam Thao district was established since 2016. So far, it become a reliable address to...

Exploring the rose farm

Exploring the rose farm
2020-01-05 07:57:00

PTO - Many people choose to come the countrysides to enjoy the relaxation and the fresh air after the worries of the hustle and hurry urban life. Meeting that demand as well as...

Jubilant Christmas celebrations in No Luc parish

Jubilant Christmas celebrations in No Luc parish
2019-12-30 15:44:00

PTO - On the evening of December 24th, in the cold weather, thousands of people come to No Luc parish (Thuy Van commune, Viet Tri city) to feel the jubilant atmosphere of Christmas...

Tourism destinations in Ha Hoa district

Tourism destinations in Ha Hoa district
2019-12-22 11:16:00

Ha Hoa is known as a land of beauty landscape and historical and cultural relics associated with the legends at the era of the nation building. Those are potentials and...

Unique street folk festival in Thanh Thuy

Unique street folk festival in Thanh Thuy
2019-11-25 15:12:00

PTO- With an aim to truthfully recreate, at the same time, introduce and promote the unique cultural potential and ancient customs of the Vietnamese people, especially the...

To discover “Essence from the Earth”

To discover “Essence from the Earth”
2019-10-30 23:17:00

PTO- Land, water, fire with the passion and skillful hands of ceramic artisans have created products that were both delicate and of high quality...



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